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Large Adjustable Rig Spider/Stone Add-on Bundle

Original price $62.98 - Original price $64.98
Original price
$62.98 - $64.98
Current price $64.98
Choose/Pick Spider to match your fire ring


Need to do a big low & slow BBQ cook.......

Important:  This Bundle is an add-on accessory to the Large Adjustable Rig. The Large Adjustable Rig is not included with the Bundle but can be purchased separately or in a Combo Package.

The Bundle is an efficient way to increase capacity on the Rig. It's a very popular addition for those who love smoking multiple pork butts or briskets on the Large Adjustable Rig R&B Combo.

We gotcha covered when it comes to smoking 4 pork butts or 2 packer briskets in the Large Big Green EGG®. The Spider and 13" Ceramic Round Stone convert the Large Adjustable Rig R&B Oval Combo into a big meat smoking machine. The Spider and Stone sit under the Rig and create the indirect set-up for the two grids on the Rig.

For the grids, we use the 13"x17" Oval Grid from the R&B Combo and the large Big Green EGG grid. Oval Grid is the bottom grid and placed at the Rig's lowest setting - same spot you normally set the R&B Combo's Oval Stone. The Large Big Green EGG grid goes on top of the Rig. Now the two grids are properly spaced to handle 4 pork butts or two brisket packers.  

One important feature, the Oval Grid is above the fire ring. This is important, as it provides ample room for the heat to move out of the fire ring. We don't want the lower grid on the fire ring as these big meats can/will block airflow.

With this configuration, we do not use the R&B Combo's Oval Stone. Instead the indirect set-up is created by the Spider and 13" Stone. The Spider/13 Stone is the only way to get the proper grid spacing to handle these chunky meats. 

Bundle Includes: 

  • Spider drops inside the fire ring and holds the 13" Round Ceramic Stone.
  • 13" Round Ceramic Stone creates the indirect set-up under the Adjustable Rig with two grids.

tipThe Oval Stone is too long to sit inside the EGG® fire ring. And, we do not recommend setting the Oval Stone directly atop the EGG fire ring -  it's too restrictive on airflow. 

For the Rig old timers, this configuration for the Large Big Green Egg may look's our Large Adjustable Rig Customer Combo.

Large Big Green EGG and Large Adjustable Rig R&B Oval Combo components are sold separately.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Double indirect setup for Lg BGE

My first cook with the spider and soap stone was 2 hr salmon smoke. I wanted two deflector plates to create double indirect cooking. Jamie from smoking dad BBQ uses a slow roller and one soap stone that allows for hotter fire to create clean smoke and at the same time protect the bottom of the meat smoking. I filled my lg Green Egg with charcoal and lite the fire and waited till the fire was burning good. I put the soap stone in the spider and place it in the fire pit. Next I put my cast iron plate setter in the converter setup to make my second layer of indirect deflector. Once the lid was almost too hot to put my hand on it I placed my salmon on the grill. I had blue smoke the whole time and cooked at 250 degrees for two hours. The bottom of the salmon was perfect and completely un burnt or dried out. The salmon was the best smoked salmon I ever cooked in my 12 years owning a Green Egg. So for the cost of a spider and soap stone, I was able to create a double indirect setup that Jamie says from his testing is just as good as a SlowRoller and a soap stone. I will be using thie setup in all my future indirect cooking.