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Definitions by Ceramic Grill Store and provide general meaning.
Note, if a word is capitalized in a definition, that word is listed.
3-2-1 (X-X-X) Rib Method - A cooking method for ribs, timed in hours. First number refers to the time ribs spend low & slow (smoking). Second number refers to the time ribs spend in foil or paper brazing (steaming). Third number refers to the time ribs spend on the grill caramelizing BBQ sauce or firming up (grilling). Note (X-X-X), there are popular time variations to the three step process, as time is dependent on many factors, including type of rib, grill used and cooking temperatures.
Adjustable Rig - Multi-Level, multi-tasking rack system for kamado grills. Product of Ceramic Grill Store.
Airflow - Movement of air through the grill. Air movement is from bottom Draft Door Assembly to Top Vent.
Airflow Control - Adjusting the bottom Slider Vent and Top Vent to control the amount of air that enters and/or exits the grill. Typically, one controls airflow to control temperature.
Baby Back (Loin Back) Ribs - The leanest, shortest and curviest rack of pork ribs taken from the top side of the pig. Smaller than Spare and St. Louis Ribs. Most popular, thus most expensive per pound. Baby Back and Loin Back are the same cut of ribs. See Spare Ribs, St. Louis Ribs
Barbeque (Barbecue) Cook - To cook for an extended period (hours) at low temperatures (200°F - 300°F). Similar to Low & Slow.
Beer Can Chicken - Cooking process where a full chicken is held vertically in the grill by a liquid filled beer (beverage) can or metal stand.
Bite Through Ribs - Ribs cooked to a point that when taking a bite, it's a clean bite and only the bite impression is visible on the rib, opposite of Fall Off The Bone. A Bite Through Rib is the target doneness for rib purists and competition cooks.
Blacken - To burn or crust over the food's surface, Typically done on a solid surface - Plancha or Griddle.
Blue Smoke - The perfect color on smoke during Barbeque Cooks, Produced by a clean burning wood fire with the right misture of heat, oxygen and seasoned wood. Can be a challenge to create in Kamado Grills because of the small fires and minimal air movement.
Bluetooth vs. Wi-Fi - Bluetooth direct connects device to device. Wi-Fi connects devices via the Internet. For the backyard, Wi-Fi is preferred as long as devices sufficiently connect to the router/modem. Bluetooth devices can be limited by distance and barriers, making it less attractive for backyard settings.
Brisket - A meat cut taken from the cow's lower chest. Brisket Packer contains two muscles: thin lean Flat and chunky fattier Point. Most common cooking method is a Low & Slow, Barbeque cook in kamado grills.
Brisket Burnt Ends - Generally, when a Brisket Packer is finished cooking or Resting, the Point is cut off and trimmed into bite size chunks. The chunks are then sauced, smoked/grilled to caramelize the sauce and then served.
Burping the Grill - A manual process that helps prevent a Flashback. How to burp the grill: Slowly open the dome a couple inches and then close the dome. Repeat the process 3 or 4 times to slowly let oxygen reach the fire, minimizing the chance of a Flashback.
Caveman Style - Grilling process where the food is placed directly on the Lump Charcoal.
Ceramic Stone - Solid plate usually made from refractory (alumina, cordierite or mullite) materials. Typically used as a Heat Deflector and/or Pizza Stone.
Ceramic Grill or Kamado Grill - Like terms describing a charcoal fire earthen vessel used for cooking. Today, Ceramic based formulas are the recognized standard for grill components. Note, ceramic formulas and processes vary among grill manufactures and as such, grill quality and longevity can also vary.
CGS - Short for Ceramic Grill Store
Char - To slightly burn or crust over the food's surface. Typically done on an open wire surface Grid or Grate.
Clean 'High Temp" Burn - Firing up the grill to extreme temperatures (700°F plus) to burn off crud on the interior ceramic parts or surfaces. Caution required with Clean Burns.
Clinch Screw - Self-grabbing screw that presses into the grill bands and used to attach side shelves, handles and certain hinge mechanisms.
Cold Smoke - To cook at exceptionally low temperatures for an extended period. In kamado grills, typically requires specialized fires using pellets, saw dust or wood chips.
ConvEGGtor (Platesetter) - Big Green EGG's three leg Heat Deflector, originally called a Platesetter. Typically used on Low & Slow, Barbeque or pizza cooks.
Cooking Grid or Cooking Grate - Multi-wire, cast iron or perforated sheet that holds food. Multi-wire are typically called grids. Cast iron can be called grids or grates. Perforated can be either grids or grates.
Daisy Wheel (Dual Function Top) - Older style Top Vent that regulates air flow out of the grill.
Direct Heat - Heat moving through the grill unencumbered. Most commonly used on Grilling and/or Raised Grid Direct Cooks.
Divide & Conquer - Multi-level rack system. Product of Kamado Joe.
Draft Door Assembly - Metal track near the bottom of the base/bottom shell on a grill. The Assembly houses the Draft Door and on some grills a Mesh Screen too. The fan unit on a Temperature Controller connects to the grill via the Assembly.
Draft Door - A solid metal face plate on a Draft Door Assembly. The solid face plate slides open/closed to control air flow through the intake. Also known as the Lower Slider.
Drip Pan - A stainless or aluminum pan used to catch meat drippings during long cooks. A Drip Pan helps protect Ceramic Stone(s) and keeps the grill clean.
Dome Temperature - The Dome Thermometer's temperature is used to set the grill's cooking temperature. Typically, used to set cooking temperature when no other temperature device is used in the grill.
Dome Thermometer - A stem style Thermometer that extends down through a hole in the grill's dome and measures temperature in the dome. More times than not, Dome and Grid Temperatures will not be the same.
Dual Zone (2 Zone) - Configuring the grill with two different cooking set-ups. The most common Dual Zone set-up is Direct Heat and Indirect to create two different temperature zones - see Reverse Sear. Note, Zoning can be configured across one Cooking Grid/Grate or at varying heights across multiple Cooking Grid/Grates.
Expansion Cut - The prefabricated cut that some grill manufacturers put in their Fire Boxes or Fire Bowls. Purpose of the Cut is to reduce stresses and extend the useful life of the Fire Box/Bowl.
Fall Off the Bone Ribs - Ribs cooked to a point that when taking a bite, rib meat easily (falls off) pulls away from the rib bone, opposite of Bite Through Ribs. Fall off the bone is the popular doneness for weekend grillers and many restaurants.
Fat Cap - The fatty layer on one side of a Pork Butt or Brisket. Fat Cap Up refers to setting the meat with the fat cap on top. Fat Cap Down refers to setting the meat with the fat cap underneath. At Ceramic Grill Store, we smoke fat cap down in kamado grills.
Felt (Gasket) Line - The gasket line at the top of a grill's base or bottom shell. It's typically used to define a cooking height in the grill.
Fire Box, Fire Bowl - Ceramic bowl that holds the Lump Charcoal in the bottom of the base or bottom shell.
Fire Ring - Thick Ceramic Ring that sits atop the fire box/bowl and creates space between the Fire Box/Bowl and Cooking Grid/Grate. Not all grills have a Fire Ring.
Fire Starter - A combustible that is shallow buried in the Lump Charcoal. When lit, the combustible slowly burns and ignites the Lump Charcoal. Combustibles are typically a varied mixture of wood fibers and wax.
Flashback - Quick burst of flame that exits the grill when the dome is opened and oxygen is quickly introduced into a grill. Typically, most Flashbacks occur during high temperature cooks, above 400°F. Note, on rare occasion Flashbacks can also occur through an open Draft Door Assembly.
Food Porn - The act of taken pictures or videos of food. Pictures/videos can be taken prior to, during or after the cooking process.
Gasket - The material glued to the top of the base/bottom shell and bottom of the dome shell. When the dome is closed the bottom and top gaskets marry up, creating a seal. Today, two popular gasket materials are Nomex® and fiberglass and are generally self-sticking. Gasket on the base/bottom shell is called Bottom Gasket. Gasket on the dome shell is called the Top Gasket.
Griddle - A solid surface that holds food for grilling, similar to Plancha, typically formed from cast iron with flat and/or ribbed side.
Grid Temperature - The temperature at Cooking Grid/Grate level used to set the grill's cooking temperature. Typically, taken via a pit probe and external Temperature Device or Controller. More times than not, Grid and Dome Temperatures will not be the same.
Grilling Cook - To cook for a reasonable period (2 hours or less) at moderate temperatures (300°F - 425°F).
Heat Deflector - Any object, typically a Ceramic Stone, that is placed between the fire and Cooking Grid/Grate. A Heat Deflector creates a barrier, preventing Direct Heat from reaching the Cooking Grid/Grate.
Indirect - A cooking set-up where a Heat Deflector is placed between the fire and Cooking Grid/Grate. A key set-up to Barbeque (Low & Slow) cooks or sectioning off part of the grill to hold or protect food when grilling (Reverse Sear). Generally, the Cooking Grid/Grate is a Raised Grid Set-up.
Internal Temperature (Food) - The temperature taken by inserting a Meat Probe into the center of whatever is cooking. Proteins (meat, poultry, pork) are best cooked to doneness following USDA guidelines or established barbeque practices.
Kiln Dried - Wood that has been heated in an oven to remove moisture and/or kill insects. Virtually all Wood Chips and Wood Chunks available in big box stores have been kiln dried to satisfy interstate transportation regulations.
Kosher Salt - the 'go-to' salt for barbeque and grilling. It is a large, sodium chloride grain and usually does not contain iodine, anticaking or other additives like table salt. Advise checking the label for exact contents.
Low & Slow - To cook for a relatively long period at low temperatures (200°F - 300°F). Similar to Barbeque Cook.
Lump Charcoal - An all-natural, no additives fuel for grills, Lump is the preferred fuel source for Kamado Grills.
Lump Charcoal Grate - Typically, a cast iron plate with holes that sits down inside the Fire Box/Bowl and holds the Lump Charcoal.
Meat Probe - A needle like probe that sticks into the center of the meat and transfers meat temperature via wire to an electronic device located outside the grill.
Mesh Screen - Sliding screen on the Draft Door Assembly that deters live embers from blowing out of an open Assembly.
Pit - A cooking vessels that at a minimum can be set up to smoke, Low and Slow, Barbeque Cooks. Originates from when food was smoked below ground in a pit.
Pit Probe - A blunt needle like probe that is typically fastened to the Cooking Grid/Grate or Dome Thermometer and transfers grill temperature via wire to an electronic device located outside the grill.
Pizza Stone - A Ceramic Stone used to cook pizza. In Kamado Grills, the Pizza Stones is best raised high with corn meal or parchment paper placed between the stone and pizza.
Plancha - A solid surface that holds food for grilling, similar to Griddle, typically formed from cast iron with flat and/or ribbed sides.
Platesetter (ConvEGGtor) - Big Green EGG's original (old) name for its three leg Heat Deflector. EGG's Heat Deflector is now called a ConvEGGtor, typically used on Low & Slow, Barbeque or pizza cooks.
Pork Butt, Pork Shoulder, Boston Butt - In most basic terms, the three refer to the same cut of pork. Ironically, the cut is from the front shoulder and not the rear of a pig. In Kamado Grills, the most common cooking method is a Low & Slow, Barbeque cook. Also, it's a popular pork cut for making sausage and Cold Smoked meats.
Pulled Pork, Pulled Chicken - Chicken or Pork that has been pulled apart or shredded into smaller pieces. Best done while the meat is still warm.
Raised Grid Direct Set-up - Catchall for combining a Raised Grid and Direct Heat Set-up.
Raised Grid Indirect Set-up - Catchall for combining a Raised Grid and Indirect Set-up. Typically, the set-up used in Low & Slow, Barbeque Cooks.
Raised Grid Set-up - A cooking set-up where the Cooking Grid is raised above the Fire Box or Fire Ring position. Most common raised grid positions are at Felt Line or in the dome.
Resting Meat - A holding period between removing the meat from the grill and serving/slicing. Resting allows the meat juices to settle in the muscle fibers and not run when the meat is cut. Resting periods range from minutes on small cuts (steaks) to hours on big cuts (pork butt, brisket). Big cuts are usually wrapped in foil or butcher paper and tightly packed in an insulated (drink) cooler with towels.
Reverse Sear - A two stage cook typically for steaks. First stage is done with an Indirect Set-up where the meat is slowly cooked to a target internal temp. In the second stage, the meat is Seared at high temperatures to the desired doneness. It's called reverse sear, as the grilling process is reversed from the conventional sear first, then cook to doneness.
Rubs, BBQ Rubs - Blend of seasonings (spices, herbs) applied prior to cooking. Wet Rubs use a wetting agent (yellow mustard most common) to adhere the rub. Dry Rub is applied directly to the meat.
Sear - To cook for a relatively short period (timed in minutes) at high temperatures (above 450°F).
Shiner - Exposed bone(s) on a rack of pork ribs. The rib bones will have little or no meat over them.
Slicing (Cutting) Across the Grain - Slicing at a 90° angle across the muscle fibers on a cut of meat. Cutting across the meat fibers makes them shorter and with tougher meats easier to eat/chew.
Smoke (Air) Leak - Generally refers to smoke leaking out between the top and bottom Gaskets when the dome is closed. Usually caused by worn/damaged Gaskets or a misaligned base/bottom shell.
So Many Minutes per Pound - A measurement of cook time. Used by many to determine length of time to Sear, Blacken or Char. Not the best cooking process to determine when a cook is done. A better measurement for "Doneness" is by Internal Temperature.
Spacers - A non-combustible object used to create a gap between two objects. Typically used between an Indirect Piece and either a Drip Pan or Pizza Stone.
Spare Pork Ribs - The meatiest and biggest of the pork rib racks, taken from the underside of a pig. Usually not as popular, thus the least expensive per pound. See St. Louis Ribs, Babyback Ribs
Spatchcock - Split open chicken (poultry) that lays flat. Achieved by cutting out the bird's backbone and keel bone with adjoining white cartilage. Popular way to grill/smoke chicken in grills.
Spider - Multi-tasking single platform accessory that drops down into the Fire Ring or Fire Bowl. So named, as the first Spider when inverted, resembled a Daddy Long Legs Spider. Product of Ceramic Grill Store.
St. Louis Pork Ribs - Trimmed Spare Rib Rack where excess cartilage and bone is removed producing a more uniform (rectangular) shape rack of ribs. Usually more expensive than Spares, due to extra trimming costs and more waste. See Spare Ribs, Babyback Ribs
Stall (The Stall) - A time during a Low & Slow or Barbeque Cook when the meat's Internal Temperature stops rising. Typically occurs in the back half of the cook when the meats Internal Temperatures reach 150°F - 170°F and can last for several hours.
Temperature Electronic Controller - Temperature monitoring device that uses a fan unit to control grill temperature. Grill monitoring is typically done via a Pit Probe. Most Controllers include a Food Probe(s) too. Key word here is 'Control', as the device controls temperature by controlling the amount of airflow through the Draft Door Assembly.
Temperature Monitoring (Display) Device - External temperature display device that uses Pit and/or Meat Probe(s) to monitor grill and/or food temperature. These devices only monitor temperature and do not control grill temperature.
Temperature Quick Read Thermometers - Handheld temperature sensing device that yields temperatures quickly, usually under 10 seconds. Used to obtain Internal Temperature. Popular way to measure meat temperature on Grilling Cooks.
Texas Crutch - Wrapping the meat in aluminum foil or butcher paper during the cooking process, See Wrapping Meat.
Top Vent - Adjustable Vent Assembly on top of the dome that regulates air flow out of a grill.
Turbinado Sugar - Sugar cane that is not fully processed and still contains molasses. Popular sugar for Barbecue and Grilling rubs as the larger, light brown, sugar crystals withstand higher temperatures than table sugar. Find it in most grocery stores as 'Sugar in the Raw'. At CGS, we add it to chicken wing rubs to vary heat and sweet.
Woo Ring - Single Level Rack for Raised Grid and/or Indirect Set-ups. Product of Ceramic Grill Store, appropriately named after the first Woo owner, "WooDoggies", on the Big Green EGG Forum.
Wood Chips - Shaved wood pieces used to add wood flavor smoke to cooks. Soaking chips can extend smoking times. Retail packages are sold by volume, not weight, and Kiln Dried to meet regulatory requirements.
Wood Chunks - Wood pieces used to add wood flavor smoke to cooks. Typically, smaller than fist size is best. Chunks are typically preferred over Chips, as Chunks burn longer. Soaking Chunks in water has virtually no positive impact on smoke or burn time. Retail packages are sold by volume, not weight, and Kiln Dried to meet regulatory requirements.
Wrapping Meat - a measure to protect meat from drying out and/or absorbing more smoke during a Low and Slow, Barbeque Cook. Also, used to protect meat and contain fluids when Resting in a cooler. Butcher Paper vs. Aluminum Foil: Paper is porous and lets moisture escape, which helps maintain bark. Foil is nonporous and keeps moisture in which can soften (wash away) bark. Foil can hold fluids, paper cannot, making foil a tidier process.
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