Big Green EGG ConvEGGtors (Platesetters)
ConvEGGtor, also known as a platesetter, for Big Green Egg kamado Grills
Big Green EGG makes a ConvEGGtor for these EGGs:
- XL ConvEGGtor,
- Large ConvEGGtor,
- Medium ConvEGGtor,
- Small ConvEGGtor,
- MiniMax ConvEGGtor,
For heat deflectors, most ceramic grill manufacturers prefer flat ceramic stones over the 3 leg convEGGtor. Flat stones are easier to handle and offer more flexibility. At CGS, we prefer half-moon & full round ceramic stones, and recommend them with our Adjustable Rig, Spider & Woo Ring rack systems. You'll enjoy more capabilities at better price points.
The ConvEGGtor, originally called a platesetter, is a heat deflector that creates a barrier between the food and fire. A deflector is necessary on extended cooks, as it protects the bottom of the food from burning.
The ConvEGGtor can use legs up with a grid on top. This is the common set up for grilling and BBQ. Or the ConvEGGtor can be legs down which is the common pizza set-up. The pizza stone rests above the ConvEGGtor's plate.